
Tootsie Rolls and Human Sausages

It's not exactly that I'm not having fun in raves, it's more the fact the I don't see friends in the people I meet there. I show up, have tons of fun talking bullshit and yelling out random things
but in the end, what it comes down to is that I'm having fun on my own rather than with everyone surrounding me.
I realized that at dark matters 2. I hadn't been to a rave in a little while. I had kept to myself the whole night and the last thing I wanted to do was interract with anyone who would strut their candy ass in front of me or ask me what I was up to with huge, dilated pupils.
I felt lost and alienated that night.
I really don't feel like going to Time Machine 2 this weekend. I don't even have one good reason to be there.
I'll go dance my butt off at the K.O. night instead. I like the d'n'b crew and the NTK people. A lot.
And I also learned that I love love love poi. My thoughts clear out. I think about absolutely nothing.

It feels nice.

[we could make human sausages with them! Just stuff all the crushed and squished bits into their own intestines and make people-hotdogs! - fred]