I got an urgent call from my dad last night saying my mom had gone bonkers and had started destroying the car and house again + tried to kill my dad... again. He told me he's going to get a divorce, he can't take it anymore. As for me, I'm going to have to move back home ASAP on account of my little brother.
... I guess some things never change. I hate getting sucked back into shit like this. Every-fucking-time. You do what you gotta do, I guess...
'It's the story of a girl who always forgets everything , she even forgot a boy she was in love with and only remembers the little melody he was whistling.'
[.. this part of the post has been edited out..]
Tout le monde se fout des fleurs
De leurs pétales et de leurs feuilles
Tout le monde se fout des mots d'amour
Des je t'aime, des toujours